Rules and Policies

Fund Raising

The Board of Directors of EGS recognizes that the organization is thoroughly engaged in fundraising and solicitation activity periodically. In order to comply with federal, state and local laws, as well as applicable ethical norms regarding fundraising activity, the Board has established and approved this fundraising policy.

OVERSIGHT – All fundraising activity for EGS is supervised, coordinated and directed by Executive Director. The Board [or Committee of the Board] shall annually review all fundraising activities by EGS.

USE OF FUNDRAISING PROFESSIONALS – Third parties that are not directly affiliated with the organization must have written permission from an executive director prior to any solicitation on behalf of EGS. Third party fundraisers appointed by EGS must be registered with appropriate state and local authorities, and their representation of the organization must be taken into evidence by a written agreement, approved by EGS.


  • All solicitation and fundraising materials and other communications to donors and the public shall clearly identify the EGS and be accurate and truthful.
  • Executive Director shall review fundraising or solicitation materials prior to publication for:
  • material omissions or exaggerations of fact, use of misleading photographs, or any other communication which may tend to create a false impression or misunderstanding; and
  • any statements or content that would tend to create unrealistic donor expectations of what the donor’s gift will actually accomplish.

DONOR ACKNOWLEDGMENT – EGS shall provide all donors with specific acknowledgments of charitable contributions, where applicable, in accordance with legal requirements for proper donor substantiation and the organization’s disclosure.


  • EGS shall provide appropriate training and supervision of the people soliciting funds on its behalf, whether employees or third party representatives, including training for avoiding use of techniques that are coercive, intimidating or intended to harass potential donors.
  • EGS shall attempt to avoid accepting a gift from or entering into a contract with a prospective donor which would knowingly place a hardship on the donor, or place the donor’s future well-being in jeopardy.

COMPENSATION – EGS shall pay fundraisers no more than reasonable compensation for their services. [EGS shall not compensate internal or external fundraisers based on a commission or a percentage of the amount raised.]

DONOR PRIVACY POLICY – EGS respects the privacy of donors.

  • EGS shall not sell or otherwise make available the names and contact information of its donors, except where disclosure is required by law [without providing them an opportunity at least once a year to opt out from the use of their names and contact information].
  • EGS shall not send mailings on behalf of other organizations.
  • EGS shall provide a clear, prominent and easily accessible privacy policy on all and any of its website that tell visitors:
    • What information, if any, is being collected about them and how this information will be used;
    • How to access personal information collected and request correction;
  • How to inform EGS that the visitor does not wish his/her personal information to be shared outside the organization; and
  1. What security measures EGS has in place to protect personal information.

COMPLIANCE WITH LAW – In addition to any other requirements of this policy, all fundraising activities for EGS shall be conducted in accordance with applicable law.

Sexual Harassment & Discrimination

EduTech Global Solutions (EGS) is committed to offer a positive and safe work environment for all employees. Any kind of sexual harassment or other types of discriminatory harassment is strictly prohibited and is avoided at all costs. Employees are expected to present themselves in a professional manner and to show respect for their co-workers.

EGS is committed to recognize and acknowledge that sexual harassment and other types of discriminatory harassment are, of course, unlawful. To reinforce this commitment, EGS has developed a policy against harassment and a strict reporting-procedure for employees who have been subjected to or have witnessed harassment. This policy applies to all work-related settings and activities, whether inside or outside the workplace which includes business trips and business-related social events. Any property of EGS i.e. (telephones, copy machines, facsimile machines, computers, and computer applications such as e-mail and internet access) may not be used to engage in conduct that violates this policy. The policy of EGS against harassment covers employees and other individuals who have a relationship with EGS. This relationship enables EGS to exercise some control over the individual’s conduct in places and activities that are related to roles and work placements of EGS i.e. (directors, officers, contractors, vendors, volunteers, etc.).

Prohibition of Sexual Harassment: 

EGS’s policy against sexual harassment prohibits sexual advances or requests for sexual favors or any other physical or verbal conduct of a sexual nature, when: (1) submission to such conduct is made an express or implicit condition of employment; (2) submission to or rejection of such conduct is used as a basis for employment decisions affecting the individual who submits to or rejects such conduct; or (3) such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an employee’s work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, humiliating, or offensive working environment.

While it is not possible to list all of the circumstances which may constitute sexual harassment, the following are some examples: (1) unwelcome sexual advances — whether they involve physical touching or not; (2) requests for sexual favors in exchange for actual or promised job benefits such as favorable reviews, salary increases, promotions, increased benefits, or continued employment; or (3) coerced sexual acts.

Depending on the circumstances, the following conduct may also constitute sexual harassment: (1) use of sexual epithets, jokes, written or oral references to sexual conduct, gossip regarding one’s sex life; (2) sexually oriented comment on an individual’s body, comment about an individual’s sexual activity, deficiencies, or prowess; (3) displaying sexually suggestive objects, pictures, cartoons; (4) unwelcome leering, whistling, deliberate brushing against the body in a suggestive manner; (5) sexual gestures or sexually suggestive comments; (6) inquiries into one’s sexual experiences; or (7) discussion of one’s sexual activities.

While such behavior depending on the circumstances may not be severe or pervasive enough to create a sexually hostile work environment, it can nonetheless make co-workers uncomfortable. Accordingly, such behavior is inappropriate and may result in disciplinary action regardless of whether it is unlawful.

It is also unlawful and clearly against EGS policy to retaliate against an employee for filing a complaint of sexual harassment or for cooperating with an investigation of a complaint of sexual harassment.

Prohibition of Other Types of Discriminatory Harassment: It is also against EGS’s policy to engage in verbal or physical conduct that denigrates or shows hostility or aversion toward an individual because of his/her race, color, gender, religion, sexual orientation, age, national origin, disability, or other protected category (or that of the individual’s relatives, friends, or associates) that: (1) has the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating, hostile, humiliating, or offensive working environment; (2) has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work performance; or (3) otherwise adversely affects an individual’s employment opportunities.

Depending on the circumstances, the following conduct may constitute discriminatory harassment: (1)epithets, slurs, negative stereotyping, jokes, or threatening, intimidating, or hostile acts that relate to race, color, gender, religion, sexual orientation, age, national origin, or disability; and (2) written or graphic material that denigrates or shows hostility toward an individual or group because of race, color, gender, religion, sexual orientation, age, national origin, or disability and that is circulated in the workplace, or placed anywhere in EGS’s premises such as on an employee’s desk or workspace or on EGS’s equipment or bulletin boards. Other conduct may also constitute discriminatory harassment if it falls within the definition of discriminatory harassment set forth above.

It is also against EGS’s policy to retaliate against an employee for filing a complaint of discriminatory harassment or for cooperating in an investigation of a complaint of discriminatory harassment.

Reporting of Harassment: If you believe that you have experienced or witnessed sexual harassment or other discriminatory harassment by any employee or Board member of EGS, you should report the incident immediately to your supervisor or to the Executive Director. Possible harassment by others with whom EGS has a business relationship, including customers and vendors, should also be reported as soon as possible so that appropriate action can be taken.

EGS will promptly and thoroughly investigate all reports of harassment as discreetly and confidentially as practicable. The investigation would generally include a private interview with the person making a report of harassment. It would also generally be necessary to discuss allegations of harassment with the accused individual and others who may have information relevant to the investigation. EGS’s goal is to conduct a thorough investigation, to determine whether harassment occurred, and to determine what action to take if it is determined that improper behavior occurred.

If EGS determines that a violation of this policy has occurred, it will take appropriate disciplinary action against the offending party, which can include counseling, warnings, suspensions, and termination. Employees who report violations of this policy and employees who cooperate with investigations into alleged violations of this policy will not be subject to retaliation. Upon completion of the investigation, EGS will inform the employee who made the complaint of the results of the investigation.

Compliance with this policy is a condition of each employee’s employment. Employees are encouraged to raise any questions or concerns about this policy or about possible discriminatory harassment with the Executive Director. In the case where the allegation of harassment is against the Executive Director, please notify the board chair.

Alcohol and Drugs

EGS requires an alcohol and drug-free workplace. EGS prohibits the possession, sale, consumption, or being under the influence of alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs by employees while in the office, during working hours outside the office, or while on agency business, or in an agency vehicle. Any employee found possessing, selling, consuming, or being under the influence of alcoholic beverages while on duty will be subject to discipline, up to and including termination.

Occasional exceptions to this policy against the consumption of alcoholic beverages may be made at EGS’s sole discretion for small quantities of such beverages reasonable under the circumstances, usually wine or beer, which may be available at office parties or EGS’s events. At such parties and events, all personnel are expected to exercise good judgment and moderation. In no event may any underage individual consume alcohol at any EGS event, and all personnel are expected to comply fully with all laws (including laws prohibiting the operation of motor vehicles while under the influence of alcohol), and to take safety precautions including arranging for a designated sober driver.

Any employee who is using prescription or over-the-counter drugs that may impair the employee’s ability to safely perform the job, or affect the safety or well-being of others, must notify a supervisor of such use immediately before starting or resuming work while under the influence of such prescription or over-the-counter drugs.

If you have a problem with drugs and/or alcohol and wish to undertake rehabilitation, you can request an unpaid leave of absence for this purpose. It is your responsibility to seek help before the problem adversely affects your work performance or results in a violation of this policy. If you need assistance in seeking this help, you may talk to the Human Resource Officer. No one will be discriminated against for undertaking rehabilitation.

Privacy Notice

EduTech Global Solutions (EGS) is committed to protecting the privacy and security of all personal data and information that we process in order to provide educational and testing services to all our clients. This Privacy Notice provides a summary of our practices with regard to all of the personal data and information we collect and use in connection with our business services we offer for our clients, and includes personal data and information processed for the purpose of employing individuals to support those educational and testing services. EGS collects and processes personal data and information only for legitimate business purposes. Personal data and information of candidates is collected and processed only as instructed or permitted by our clients, the test sponsors. We will collect and process that information that is reasonably needed to register a candidate for educational services and testing purposes. If permitted under applicable law, we may communicate with candidates regarding other services offered by EGS.. Personal data and information of potential and/or active employees is collected and processed only for legitimate business purposes, including but not limited to, verifying identity and credentials, where allowed by law to process background checks and confirm suitability for employment, processing payroll, complying with statutory and regulatory employment requirements, and to confirm the safety and security of employees both on an on-going basis and in the event of a major weather or security-related event. We will at all times maintain reasonable and appropriate security controls to protect the personal data and information of our candidates and employees. We have special controls to protect any sensitive personal data and information (such as government issued identification numbers and biometrics) that may be collected for security and identity verification purposes. For additional information about EGS’s information security practices please formally make a request for information from EGS Human Resource Officer. We may disclose personal data and information to our affiliates and data processors as needed to provide the services that candidates have requested and to perform the functions necessary to run a global business. These entities are all contractually bound to limit use of all personal data and information they come in contact with as needed to perform only the services requested. We will also always disclose personal data and information when required to do so by law, such as in response to a subpoena, to law enforcement agencies and courts with proper jurisdiction to request such information, or in response to regulatory inquiries. EGS will comply with the privacy and data collection and processing laws of the local jurisdiction of the individual from whom information is being collected. With the exception of biometric data, the personal data and information of exam candidates and employees based outside of the United States will be transferred, with the express consent of the individual, to EGS and data processers in the United States and elsewhere in the world only to facilitate the purpose for which it was collected. EGS will always protect the privacy and security of all personal data and information that it collects, regardless of where it is processed. Candidates located outside of the United States who do not provide the appropriate consent necessary for EGS to transfer personal data and information to the EGS Privacy Policy –United States for processing understand that they may not be able to work with EGS, and may not eligible to participate in programs sponsored by EGS. Potential and active EGS employees located outside of the United States who do not provide the appropriate consent necessary for EGS to transfer personal data and information to the United States for processing of payroll and other employment related functions understand that they may not be eligible for employment with EGS.

Conflict of Interest

In order to assure impartial decision making, it is the policy of EGS that any conflicts of interest, or apparent or potential conflicts of interest, be fully disclosed before a decision is made on the matter involved, and that no director, advisor, or staff member participate (other than by providing information) in any decision in which he or she has a conflict of interest. The Board of Directors will not approve, and the organization will not participate in, any self-dealing transaction prohibited by law. It is the continuing responsibility of all directors, advisors, and staff to review their outside business interests, philanthropic interests, personal interests, and family and other close relationships for actual, apparent, or potential conflicts of interest with respect to the organization, and to promptly disclose the nature of the interest or relationship.

Sexual Harassment & Discrimination

EduTech Global Solutions (EGS) is committed to providing a work environment for all employees that is free from sexual harassment and other types of discriminatory harassment. Employees are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner and to show respect for their co-workers.

EGS’s commitment begins with the recognition and acknowledgment that sexual harassment and other types of discriminatory harassment are, of course, unlawful. To reinforce this commitment, EGS has developed a policy against harassment and a reporting procedure for employees who have been subjected to or witnessed harassment. This policy applies to all work-related settings and activities, whether inside or outside the workplace, and includes business trips and business-related social events. EGS’s property (e.g.telephones, copy machines, facsimile machines, computers, and computer applications such as e-mail and Internet access) may not be used to engage in conduct that violates this policy. EGS’s policy against harassment covers employees and other individuals who have a relationship

with EGS which enables EGS to exercise some control over the individual’s conduct in places and activities that relate to EGS’s work (e.g. directors, officers, contractors, vendors, volunteers, etc.).

Prohibition of Sexual Harassment: EGS’s policy against sexual harassment prohibits sexual advances or requests for sexual favors or other physical or verbal conduct of a sexual nature, when: (1) submission to such conduct is made an express or implicit condition of employment; (2) submission to or rejection of such conduct is used as a basis for employment decisions affecting the individual who submits to or rejects such conduct; or (3) such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an employee’s work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, humiliating, or offensive working environment.

While it is not possible to list all of the circumstances which would constitute sexual harassment, the following are some examples: (1) unwelcome sexual advances — whether they involve physical touching or not; (2) requests for sexual favors in exchange for actual or promised job benefits such as favorable reviews, salary increases, promotions, increased benefits, or continued employment; or (3) coerced sexual acts.

Depending on the circumstances, the following conduct may also constitute sexual harassment: (1) use of sexual epithets, jokes, written or oral references to sexual conduct, gossip regarding one’s sex life; (2) sexually oriented comment on an individual’s body, comment about an individual’s sexual activity, deficiencies, or prowess; (3) displaying sexually suggestive objects, pictures, cartoons; (4) unwelcome leering, whistling, deliberate brushing against the body in a suggestive manner; (5) sexual gestures or sexually suggestive comments; (6) inquiries into one’s sexual experiences; or (7) discussion of one’s sexual activities.

While such behavior, depending on the circumstances, may not be severe or pervasive enough to create a sexually hostile work environment, it can nonetheless make co-workers uncomfortable. Accordingly, such behavior is inappropriate and may result in disciplinary action regardless of whether it is unlawful.

It is also unlawful and expressly against EGS policy to retaliate against an employee for filing a complaint of sexual harassment or for cooperating with an investigation of a complaint of sexual harassment.

Prohibition of Other Types of Discriminatory Harassment: It is also against EGS’s policy to engage in verbal or physical conduct that denigrates or shows hostility or aversion toward an individual because of his or her race, color, gender, religion, sexual orientation, age, national origin, disability, or other protected category (or that of the individual’s relatives, friends, or associates) that: (1) has the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating, hostile, humiliating, or offensive working environment; (2) has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work performance; or (3) otherwise adversely affects an individual’s employment opportunities.

Depending on the circumstances, the following conduct may constitute discriminatory harassment: (1)epithets, slurs, negative stereotyping, jokes, or threatening, intimidating, or hostile acts that relate to race, color, gender, religion, sexual orientation, age, national origin, or disability; and (2) written or graphic material that denigrates or shows hostility toward an individual or group because of race, color, gender, religion, sexual orientation, age, national origin, or disability and that is circulated in the workplace, or placed anywhere in EGS’s premises such as on an employee’s desk or workspace or on EGS’s equipment or bulletin boards. Other conduct may also constitute discriminatory harassment if it falls within the definition of discriminatory harassment set forth above.

It is also against EGS’s policy to retaliate against an employee for filing a complaint of discriminatory harassment or for cooperating in an investigation of a complaint of discriminatory harassment.

Reporting of Harassment: If you believe that you have experienced or witnessed sexual harassment or other discriminatory harassment by any employee or Board member of EGS, you should report the incident immediately to your supervisor or to the Executive Director. Possible harassment by others with whom EGS has a business relationship, including customers and vendors, should also be reported as soon as possible so that appropriate action can be taken.

EGS will promptly and thoroughly investigate all reports of harassment as discreetly and confidentially as practicable. The investigation would generally include a private interview with the person making a report of harassment. It would also generally be necessary to discuss allegations of harassment with the accused individual and others who may have information relevant to the investigation. EGS’s goal is to conduct a thorough investigation, to determine whether harassment occurred, and to determine what action to take if it is determined that improper behavior occurred.

If EGS determines that a violation of this policy has occurred, it will take appropriate disciplinary action against the offending party, which can include counseling, warnings, suspensions, and termination. Employees who report violations of this policy and employees who cooperate with investigations into alleged violations of this policy will not be subject to retaliation. Upon completion of the investigation, EGS will inform the employee who made the complaint of the results of the investigation.

Compliance with this policy is a condition of each employee’s employment. Employees are encouraged to raise any questions or concerns about this policy or about possible discriminatory harassment with the Executive Director. In the case where the allegation of harassment is against the Executive Director, please notify the board chair.

Alcohol and Drugs

EGS requires an alcohol and drug-free workplace. EGS prohibits the possession, sale, consumption, or being under the influence of alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs by employees while in the office, during working hours outside the office, or while on agency business, or in an agency vehicle. Any employee found possessing, selling, consuming, or being under the influence of alcoholic beverages while on duty will be subject to discipline, up to and including termination.

Occasional exceptions to this policy against the consumption of alcoholic beverages may be made at EGS’s sole discretion for small quantities of such beverages reasonable under the circumstances, usually wine or beer, which may be available at office parties or EGS’s events. At such parties and events, all personnel are expected to exercise good judgment and moderation. In no event may any underage individual consume alcohol at any EGS event, and all personnel are expected to comply fully with all laws (including laws prohibiting the operation of motor vehicles while under the influence of alcohol), and to take safety precautions including arranging for a designated sober driver.

Any employee who is using prescription or over-the-counter drugs that may impair the employee’s ability to safely perform the job, or affect the safety or well-being of others, must notify a supervisor of such use immediately before starting or resuming work while under the influence of such prescription or over-the-counter drugs.

If you have a problem with drugs and/or alcohol and wish to undertake rehabilitation, you can request an unpaid leave of absence for this purpose. It is your responsibility to seek help before the problem adversely affects your work performance or results in a violation of this policy. If you need assistance in seeking this help, you may talk to the Human Resource Officer. No one will be discriminated against for undertaking rehabilitation.

Privacy Notice

EduTech Global Solutions (EGS) is committed to protecting the privacy and security of all personal data and information that we process in order to provide educational and testing services to all our clients. This Privacy Notice provides a summary of our practices with regard to all of the personal data and information we collect and use in connection with our business services we offer for our clients, and includes personal data and information processed for the purpose of employing individuals to support those educational and testing services. EGS collects and processes personal data and information only for legitimate business purposes. Personal data and information of candidates is collected and processed only as instructed or permitted by our clients, the test sponsors. We will collect and process that information that is reasonably needed to register a candidate for educational services and testing purposes. If permitted under applicable law, we may communicate with candidates regarding other services offered by EGS.. Personal data and information of potential and/or active employees is collected and processed only for legitimate business purposes, including but not limited to, verifying identity and credentials, where allowed by law to process background checks and confirm suitability for employment, processing payroll, complying with statutory and regulatory employment requirements, and to confirm the safety and security of employees both on an on-going basis and in the event of a major weather or security-related event. We will at all times maintain reasonable and appropriate security controls to protect the personal data and information of our candidates and employees. We have special controls to protect any sensitive personal data and information (such as government issued identification numbers and biometrics) that may be collected for security and identity verification purposes. For additional information about EGS’s information security practices please formally make a request for information from EGS Human Resource Officer. We may disclose personal data and information to our affiliates and data processors as needed to provide the services that candidates have requested and to perform the functions necessary to run a global business. These entities are all contractually bound to limit use of all personal data and information they come in contact with as needed to perform only the services requested. We will also always disclose personal data and information when required to do so by law, such as in response to a subpoena, to law enforcement agencies and courts with proper jurisdiction to request such information, or in response to regulatory inquiries. EGS will comply with the privacy and data collection and processing laws of the local jurisdiction of the individual from whom information is being collected. With the exception of biometric data, the personal data and information of exam candidates and employees based outside of the United States will be transferred, with the express consent of the individual, to EGS and data processers in the United States and elsewhere in the world only to facilitate the purpose for which it was collected. EGS will always protect the privacy and security of all personal data and information that it collects, regardless of where it is processed. Candidates located outside of the United States who do not provide the appropriate consent necessary for EGS to transfer personal data and information to the EGS Privacy Policy –United States for processing understand that they may not be able to work with EGS, and may not eligible to participate in programs sponsored by EGS. Potential and active EGS employees located outside of the United States who do not provide the appropriate consent necessary for EGS to transfer personal data and information to the United States for processing of payroll and other employment related functions understand that they may not be eligible for employment with EGS.

Conflict of Interest

In order to assure impartial decision making, it is the policy of EGS that any conflicts of interest, or apparent or potential conflicts of interest, be fully disclosed before a decision is made on the matter involved, and that no director, advisor, or staff member participate (other than by providing information) in any decision in which he or she has a conflict of interest. The Board of Directors will not approve, and the organization will not participate in, any self-dealing transaction prohibited by law. It is the continuing responsibility of all directors, advisors, and staff to review their outside business interests, philanthropic interests, personal interests, and family and other close relationships for actual, apparent, or potential conflicts of interest with respect to the organization, and to promptly disclose the nature of the interest or relationship.